IVR Credit Card Payment Solutions For Education Institutions
The Payment Card Industry (PCI) requirements are forcing Education Institutions to change how they employ live staff and in-house IVR’s to collect, store and transmit student credit card information, for payment of tuition and course fees. The scope is becoming increasingly more complex, restrictive and expensive.

Datatel solves this problem.
Datatel delivers hosted Interactive Telephone Payments As A Service, which remove the collection and transmission of student credit card information away from Live staff, and in-house self-service IVR’s, a critical milestone to achieving PCI compliance.

Modules designed specifically for Education Institutions, help achieve quick and cost effective implementation. Your students can pay their tuition and course fees by phone, while minimizing your effort and cost of achieving PCI compliance

Designed For Education Institutions
Removes Live staff from collecting sensitive student credit card information
Templates designed for education institutions, allowing for rapid implementation, in days, not weeks or months.
Live Staff Assisted and Self-Service Modules, support multiple caller touch points
Support for convenience fee models
Connected to all major Processors and Acquirers in the United States and Canada, process payments using your existing merchant account relationships
Back-end integration with standardized tool kit. Custom integration support.
Feature Rich To Meet Your Education Institution Requirements
Telephone / IVR Credit Card Payments as a Service - no hardware or software to buy
Industry specific and customized solutions
Live Staff Assisted and Self-Service Modules, to support multiple customers touch points
Encrypted Interactive Voice Response (IVR) Technology designed for payment processing
Supports single payment and tokenized transactions
Branded to the clients business with Custom Voice Prompts using professional voice talent
Multi language Support
Connectivity to more than 40+ Processors and Acquirers In the US and Canada
Real-time back-end integration, for exchange of information with clients in-house systems
On-line real-time transactional and call reporting
Rapid implementation, in days, not weeks or months
Dedicated Implementation Support by Telephone Payment Experts
Flexible transactional pricing
A Complete and Secure Way to Collect Credit Card Payments over the Telephone, and meet PCI requirements

Datatel delivers hosted Interactive Telephone Payments As A Service, which remove the collection and transmission of “customer” credit card information away from Live agents/staff, and in-house self-service IVR’s, a critical milestone to achieving PCI compliance. There is no software or hardware to buy.

With dozens of industry specific models to choose from, implementation is quick and cost effective.

We’re here to help.

Call 800-831-6660
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